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EFB 102 and 104: Conclusion and Literature Cited

Writing the Conclusion

Provide the “take-home” message here. Make a concise reiteration of your experimental findings and the broad implications of your work. 

Do this in 2-3 sentences. Elevator pitch for the experiment or state what future studies do that would help improve on this study.

How to Cite the Lab Manual

 EFB ### Lab Manual, Year

example: EFB 102 Lab Manual, 2024

General Citation Tips

List the references used to develop the hypothesis, guide the methods, and interpret and compare the results.  As a general rule, you should be certain to provide references for any/all information that is not “common knowledge.”  That is, if you learned it from a book, chances are the folks reading your work will also need that book to understand the concept.  

Understand that this is not an “additional reading” section.  You should provide a reference only for those works that you cite in the text.  Likewise, if a work is cited in the text, it needs to be referenced here.

We will apply the American Psychological Association (APA) style for literature citation.  For on-line guidance to this format style go to “The OWL at Purdue” web page at:

Navigate to the bottom of this OWL web page and follow the links for instructions on formatting “in-text citations” and “reference lists.” 


How to Cite Peers

Student’s last name and first initial. (Year). Lab report title. 

*some students might not have lab report titles at the time of appointment. For the time being, students can just write “Lab Report” until a title is created.

Kopinski A. (2023). Comparing primary and secondary forest types at Heiberg Forest.