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EFB 102 and 104: Discussion

Writing the Discussion Section

(1-2 pages double spaced on average)

This section is devoted to interpreting your data in the context of your stated objectives/hypotheses.  It is often used to compare the results to previous studies and to critically evaluate the methods (identify sources of error and inadequacies of the techniques). This section is also used to suggest follow-up studies and improvements to the techniques.  

Reverse funnel - start with your interpretation of results and get broader. What do the results mean in the context of the purpose of the study? DO NOT copy and paste results. Why did the results happen? What makes them interesting? Discussion should get wider as you go and come back to the big question posed to start. Explain any problems you had along the way that could affect your results. Talking about human error (flaws in methods) is allowed. Need to cite literature. 

  • What did you find and why is this important? 

  • Mentioned what failed and what worked 

  • This is where significance of data is stated and then tied to the bigger idea

  • There is no required number of outside sources but they are expected

    • compare and contrast with other studies 

    • How does this fit into the literature they have been presented in lecture?


Remember to consult with one of your peer's/classmate's who reported on a different variable and report -and cite! - the peer’s findings.