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FCH 232 - Career Skills for Chemists: Citation Help

This guide supplements the information literacy portions of the FCH 232 course.

Citation Managers

Citation managers capture citation information directly from records and sources. You can use them to collect and organize citations from library and web resources. They integrate with word processing software, so you can easily insert already formatted in-text citations and bibliographies into papers.

Beyond these general functions, citation managers offer different options for storing and annotating full text, sharing research with colleagues, and finding new research.

Mendeley and Zotero are two recommended citation managers that will make it easy to cite your sources in APA style. See the Citation Manager Guide for more information about installing these programs on your computer and for tutorial videos on using them.

APA Citation Style Guide

For good examples on how to formulate your citations in APA format and put together your references list see the article examles below, and for examples for books and other sources go to the Purdue OWL.

Also look for the style guide for APA in Moon Library:

   Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - BF76.7 .P83 2005 Reference


Citation Examples

For examples of several source types including articles, books, and websites, click the links above for the guide given out in class and a guide to APA created for another chemistry course.

Journal Title Abbreviations

What is J. Chem. Inf. Model.??  Use the tool below to find out...