Keywords are significant words that describe or relate to your topic and can help you search for stuff.
How to Choose Keywords
1: Look at your Research Topic
Example: The effect of water quality on fish in the Adirondacks
2: Identify major concepts related to your topic
Example: water quality, Adirondacks, fish
3: Come up with words related to the major concepts
water quality = water quality, pollution
Adirondacks = Adirondacks, New York State
fish = fish, animals
Find more keywords
As you search, look at the keywords and subjects listed for relevant articles. Keep track of any that you could use to expand or narrow your search.
Examples: aquatic organisms, water chemistry, aquatic vertebrates, water temperature, stream, lake, macroinvertebrates, pH
Do you want to search
The advanced search option is the way to go. Here are some success tips:
Anytime you see this image , click on it to find out where you can get the full text. Once on the publisher's website look for links or buttons that say pdf, download, html, or full text.
Finding the Full Text from a Citation
Tips for searching the internet:
To find even more resources for your topic or narrow down your search results, try using limiters. Common ones include:
Do you want to search both Adirondack and Adirondacks? or fish, fisheries, fishes, etc.?
Use truncation!
In most databases, you can put a * or a ? at the end of a word to get those letters and everything beginning with those letters.
Adirondack* searches both Adirondack and Adirondack*
fish* searches fish, fisheries, fishes, fishy, etc.
employ* searches employ, employee, employer, employment, employed, etc.