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EST 361 History of the American Environmental Movement : Interlibrary Loan

What if we don't own what you're looking for?

No library owns everything! If we don't have what you need, we'll borrow it for you from another library:

  • books
  • book chapters
  • journal articles
  • conference papers
  • technical reports
  • theses
  • standards
  • patents

This service is provided at no cost to you by Moon Library through ILLiad, our automated interlibrary loan system. Some publications (e.g. journal articles) may be e-mailed directly to you as PDF files. Books need to be picked up at the main desk in Moon Library.

Search WorldCat

WorldCat is a global catalog of library collections and a great place to find materials not owned by ESF or SU.

or Get an Account

Returning ILLiad users can click here to submit a request.

New users can click here to begin the registration process.

When creating a new account, please remember to fill out ALL required information. This includes your name, 9 digit ID number, e-mail address, phone number, campus mailing address, status and department. Also, you get to set your own username and password, so make sure you create an account you will remember!

Submit a Request

When submitting a request, make sure to selct the appropriate request for the material you are looking for. Use the photocopy request for articles, the book request for whole books, etc. This will prompt you to fill out the most important information for filling your request.

Please read all of the fields carefully and supply as much correct information as possible, especially in the required fields. Other information such as OCLC Number (Worldcat Accession number) or ISBN for books and the ISSN for journals can help speed up the process, but are not required.

Having trouble with ILLiad?

Can't remember your password?

Not sure you have all of the appropriate information for a request?

Would you like an explanation of a message you recieved through ILLiad?

Contact Ruth Owens, the head of Interlibrary Loan at Moon Library. You can reach her by e-mail, phone (315-470-6723), or stop by her office in room 109C in Moon Library.

IDS Project

The Moon Library participates in a dedicated Interlibrary Delivery Services, the IDS Project, with the intent of making more materials available in a timely manner to our faculty, students, and staff, as well as to foster interlibrary cooperation within New York State.  IDS Project memebers include 75 public and private academic libraries, the New York Public Library, and the New York State library (view a list of current members). The Project is based on a strong sense of community among its members and a unified collection perspective.  The major goal of the Project is to continually implement and objectively evaluate innovative resource-sharing strategies, policies and procedures that will optimize mutual access to the information resources of all IDS Project libraries.

Find out more about the Project here