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Library Borrowing Policies: Guidelines for Handling Materials

Find out how to borrow and renew items and what to do if an item is overdue or lost.

Please Handle Library Materials with Care

Library users are encouraged to exercise care when using the library collection. By following these simple guidelines, the lifespan of the library materials will be extended:

  1. Remove books carefully from the shelf without pulling them at the top of the spine.
  2. Avoid eating or drinking when using library materials. Not only may this damage books, but it also attracts book loving bugs and rodents.
  3. Photocopy library books carefully and only when necessary. Both the light on the pages and the pressure exerted on the spine when pressed flat are unhealthy for books.
  4. Do not underline or write in books. The ink may be acidic and damage the book (and it annoys other users).
  5. Use flat bookmarks. Bending pages weakens the paper; pens or other such objects can damage the spine of the book when the book is closed. The use of paper clips may also damage pages.
  6. Protect library materials from rain and snow by putting your library books in a bag. The library has a supply of plastic bags for this purpose.
  7. Handle fragile materials with special care. Please bring any book in poor condition to the Main Desk so that it may be repaired.